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Configurator desktop.png

A browserbased tool to configure your next BMW vehicle to the T.

Year: 2018/19

Agency: Interone GmbH

My Role: UI Lead & Proxy PO

I inherited the project after a year and a half of unconclusive ideation at a point where everything started fresh with a new team. We managed to get the product designed and live within 9 Months.


The Challenge

The biggest challenge was finding ways to communicate unexpected buildability conflicts, stemming from the complex data structure within BMW. Additionally the international requirements (regarding e.g. CO2 Information or pricing) were challenging to keep track of. Also the very high priority within BMW and the resulting intensity was challenging, but made it also my probably most cherished project.

Image by Nastya Dulhiier
Image by Adib Hussain

The Target Group

The target group is very diverse age wise and regarding the online affinity.

But it is largely male and rather wealthy, which brings a certain expectation of quality and Service.

The Approach

A system of layered interactions allowed us to keep the car front and center and still let the user interact with the car.


(Legally) mandatory information can be in the viewport while still being able to access the car settings. Every adjustment you make, can be directly viewed in the car on the left, to ensure the best possible angle for every feature, the car view is adjusted to a specific angle for every subject on the layer.
While you can interact with the car in 360° Mode at any point, the settings layer can be minimized at any time, to see the car in full glory. 

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